Environment Concept Art of a dark yet magical forest. Both the still and animated version.

Environment still: The bright pink of the flower and yellow-green of the moss bring emphasis to the foreground, and color to an otherwise dark background. The flowers and trees get blurrier and more transparent the farther back it goes for a sense of depth.

Original sketch: I planned on having the same mossy log in the foreground, but with glowing mushrooms instead of flowers. The background was also going to have a waterfall cascading down rocky mountains. However, it seemed like there would be too much going on, and the details in the back wouldn't be clear because of depth anyways. It felt like a forest setting and flowers would then fit more with the log.
Animated Version: I added more glowing, with the fog and the addition of fireflies. The moon also starts glowing when the foreground goes out of focus, and the moon with clouds becomes clear. This is to bring the viewer's eyes up in time to catch the crows flying towards the viewer, which then translates into two dark shadows quickly flying past. There's a slight filter that lightens the piece in order for the crows to be seen, otherwise the dark blue sky would not contrast as much with the black of the crows.